Y’all, I’m going to start off by telling you this has been a hard Gratitude Friday to write. Not because it’s a difficult topic or because I don’t love every bit of it but because I had such a battle simply typing. Almost as if this is the post the enemy does not want you
The Magic of an Ordinary Childhood…
We are not spur-of-the-moment people. But this past week, we decided to be. We loaded up the Santa Fe and headed home to spend Memorial Day weekend in Alabama. SEC baseball, family, and more food than was humanly possible to consume. Good stuff. And I got to thinking about childhood. Both mine and my kids’. I
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Gratitude Friday
Gratitude Friday: How to Begin Building a Life of Gratitude, Week 2…
Hey, friends! How did last week’s Plumb Line beginning go? Did you get the work started? Did you picture Jesus rejoicing over your work beginning? Personally, I am grateful my mom was in town last weekend to attend Pumpkin’s awards ceremony. We got in some great Mother/Daughter time after the ceremony. We headed to the
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Kindergarten: The Second Time Around…
This past fall, my six-year-old daughter began a new journey as a kindergartener. A full-time, big-girl, walkin’-the-cross-walk, public school kindergartener. And I could not be more proud. Only. It was her second time around as a kindergartener. At the end of her four-year-old preschool year, her teacher felt she wasn’t quite ready for public school. My
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Gratitude Friday: How to Begin Building Your Life of Gratitude…
A couple of night’s ago, after I released this little dream of mine into the world, my small group leader asked me to share about my journey of gratitude. She said, this might be last minute but I feel like you can handle it. Because she was texting me approximately three hours before we were
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Our Story
Nest Builders…
I fell in love with the idea of nest building years ago. Let’s say it was just too “punny” to ignore. I researched (and by that, I mean I googled the topic) “how birds build nests.” And I found two types: City bird nests Country bird nests Of course. City bird’s nests are built with
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Thoughts on Mother’s Day and Mothering…
It’s the day before Mother’s Day and the celebrations have already begun in our house. That’s me, so expressively and accurately drawn in sidewalk chalk. And the selfie? That’s after they returned from shopping with Daddy and needed some welcome home snuggles. Aren’t they precious? I love all the effort they are putting in to
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Gratitude Friday
Gratitude Friday: My Little Church Lady…
Happy Mother’s Day weekend, y’all! I have approximately 2, 481 draft Mother’s Day posts written but I can’t manage to finish a single one of them. Truth is, Mother’s Day is still hard for me. One day, God will redeem it. I trust that. But for now, when I can’t seem to find the words,
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Celiac’s and My Once a Year Food Post…
I know. Try not to get too excited. But it is Celiac’s Awareness Month. Which, mostly, for me, means ALDI fills up with gluten-free deliciousness and I stock up. Although the stock only lasts me four months or so. And then I have to wait for May to roll back around again. This year, ALDI
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Gratitude Friday
Gratitude Friday: Teachers…
Couple of things. One, how adorable is that photo???? Snapseed. Y’all. I made that! I have been having just the absolute best time playing with the Snapseed app. I take a really awful picture with my trusty phone and with a few tweaks, Snapseed makes it into something just lovely. I’m totally smitten. And also,