Two years ago today, one of our daughter’s namesakes, Aubrey, died tragically and unexpectedly. That night, I sat down to write and decided to tell our story for the first time on my original blog. Over the years, we’d told the story numerous times but had not posted the complete version on the internet. But
Ministry Building
Esther and the Ministry of Timing…
My junior year of high school, I somehow found myself on the prom committee. Most of my memories of high school are sketchy at best. I remember major events but not day to day stuff. So why I was on the prom committee, I have zero idea, but I remember it well if for no
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Gratitude Friday
Gratitude Friday: A Call to the Ministry of Leftovers…
Valentine’s Day and every day since we watched the news coverage of the Parkland Florida high school shooting. My heart, along with the hearts of millions across our country, broke watching yet another mass shooting carried out by someone who should have been in class with them. A teenager. I’m not here to debate the
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Ministry Building
Ruth and the Ministry of Leftovers…
Our first years of marriage, I ate a whole lot of leftovers. Wedding cake leftovers. Not ours, I didn’t even bother saving the cake top to eat on our first anniversary. But the leftover cake from the weddings at the hotel where I worked. Since brides are so incredibly easy going and laid back about
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Gratitude Friday
Gratitude Friday: The Ministry of Not on My Watch…
Monday morning, I spent some time assembling bags filled with supplies for reading games. Index cards, poster board, markers, glue, scissors, plastic baggies. The usual stuff teachers use to make fun reading activities for their students. Only this wasn’t for a teacher, it was a non-profit educational foundation some dear friends own. Normally, these sorts
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Ministry Building
Jael and the Ministry of Preparation…
In 2009 after years of waiting and thousands of dollars invested, we were finally pregnant with our miracle baby. I read all the books and articles and doctor’s pages in every single corner of the internet during those years of infertility. I could quote statistics about hormone levels and sperm counts like doctor appointment preparation
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Gratitude Friday
Gratitude Friday: The Ministry of Buying a House…
When we look for a house, and we’ve done that a lot, we look for a house we can resale easily. We check the condition of the houses in the neighborhood, the schools, the amenities nearby, the churches, the amount of work we can afford to do for improvements. We don’t buy at the front
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Ministry Building
Rahab and the Ministry of Broken People…
This past Christmas, my precious sister-in-law gave Saffron a book by Angie Smith about some of the women of the Bible, For Such a Time as This. It is simply stunning. The writing, the illustrations, the heart behind it all, just stunning. When Angie tells her story of becoming a Christian and learning about God, she
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Gratitude Friday
Gratitude Friday: The Ministry of Zero…
In April 2013, my dad retired after 44 years with his company. Dad’s team hosted a retirement reception for him and Mom had spent months planning his retirement party for that weekend. Friends and family gathered to celebrate this wonderful man. My brother and I attended the company reception with Mom, who wore an emerald
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Community Building
Gratitude Friday: Our If You Only Knew Stories…
One morning early on in our marriage, I woke up and thought, “BLAH. This marriage is not at all what I want.” There was nothing “wrong.” Dr wasn’t a “bad” husband and I don’t think I was a “bad” wife. It just felt…off. Not even a “we” felt off but an “it.” Marriage. It felt like