The other day as we were driving…somewhere…the kids were listing our “hobbies.” Saffron declared her hobby to be shopping. In response, both Dr and I quickly said, Shopping is NOT a hobby. She’s so me. A decade ago. Skillet said his hobby is to be “fierce.” And he is. Those sweet chubby cheeks just scream kissable
Gratitude Friday
Gratitude Friday: This is Me and This is You…
I’m about to confess something to you. Something that makes my husband say, “Because you’re dead on the inside,” (a la Chandler). I do not like musicals. Sorry. I don’t do awkward. And people randomly bursting into song feels SUPER awkward to me. Which is kinda odd since I have zero problem embarrassing my kids
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Community Building
Community Building: Your Very Own Mayberry, Week 2…
I often tell people we live in Mayberry. Our little neighborhood is filled with kids and on school days, we can walk to our elementary school. Our crossing guard, Sherri, waits for us at the corner of the neighborhood every morning and every afternoon. The parents gather at that same corner a few minutes before
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Gratitude Friday
Gratitude Friday: Our Bag of Quarters…
When I opened up social media one morning this week, the first three posts were by friends fighting some of life’s hardest battles. Cancer, cancer, and flesh-eating bacteria. Yes, flesh-eating bacteria. In my email to our Builders this week, I shared a bit about my dad and the community of the waiting room. My dad
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Community Building
Community Building: How to Begin the Work, Week 1…
The past two years have been times of tremendous growth for us. Not financially or spiritually or professionally. But in community building. Up until our move in 2011, we had always attended traditional churches complete with a zillion programs and ways for people to meet others and get involved. And we did them all. My
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Gratitude Friday
Gratitude Friday: What a Battle Between Kylo and Luke Taught Me…
We are Star Wars people. The kids have been watching Rogue One on Netflix repeatedly plus we own the original three movies on DVD. We are raising up the next generation to love a good verse evil outer space epic battle. Doing the Lord’s work, we are. For the past several years, Dr and I have seen
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Gratitude Friday
Gratitude Friday: New Year, New Language, New Perspective…
We are relatively new to the contemporary church thing. I remember the first time we attended the worship service of the first such church we would join. The band rocked out on stage wearing the worship team uniform of skinny jeans and untucked plaid shirts and hair gel. Dim lights, video screens, drummers in cages.
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Gratitude Friday
A Grateful Holiday: On the Arrival and the Acceptance of Our Savior…
Dr and I celebrated 17 years of marriage last Saturday. Please enjoy our baby faces in our wedding photo. Bless. I thought we were so old. Most of our friends married before us. Well, Dr didn’t care so I should say, most of my friends married before ME. Because it’s all about me, Y’all. I
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Gratitude Friday
A Grateful Holiday: How to Serve a Humble Savior in a Light Up “Happy Birthday Jesus” World…
This past Saturday I headed up to “The Walmart” for a couple of items I neglected to purchase the day before during my normal grocery run. I had gone shoppin’ without a list. Which is never a good idea and certainly not good when I needed to make a specific recipe (to serve at a
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Gratitude Friday
A Grateful Holiday: God Sends Rescue…
In our family, we spend Christmas Eve with my side of the family and Christmas Day with my husband’s side of the family. Grandparents and aunts and uncles and cousins all together for two solid days of celebrating. On each side, we have a photographer. My sister-in-law is responsible for oh so many family photos