Gratitude Friday: The Calcium Supplement Birthday…

I am now, “Are you taking your calcium supplements?” Years Old.

Did y’all know that was a thing?

Because it kinda snuck up on me like my kid coming into my bedroom in stealth ninja mode to wake me up by staring me down from the vast distance of three inches from my face.

THAT kind of sneaking up on me

The past two doctor’s appointments to discuss the healing progress of my broken ankle, she asked me flat-out if I was taking my calcium and vitamin D supplements. As if that was a normal question to ask someone SO YOUNG and HEALTHY. (Broken ankle notwithstanding.)

This past time, she gave me a full-blown lecture on why I must be taking them. According to her, over half of her patients end up in her office because of poor diet. “Keto and gluten-free diets are bad. You have to eat a balanced diet. No one food group is innately evil.”

Oh, well, see. I have Celiacs sooooo…

“OH! Then you FOR SURE need to be taking supplements.”


So part of my birthday celebration included purchasing vitamins. Largely because I am too old to ignore doctor’s orders. Even though I AM YOUNG and HEALTHY.

Happy Birthday to me.

Apart from the doctor’s lecture on my poor medically-required diet, she did release me from the prison of my boot.

She’s forgiven.

Yesterday morning, I took my first long-ish walk. Watched the sunrise, enjoyed the solitude, soaked up the chill in the morning.

It felt meaningful on a rather ordinary birthday.

The day was filled with phone calls and surprise lunches and wrapping tiny little candles for big events and cooking dinner and reading sweet messages. Such ordinary things but gracious, so much extraordinary love.

Someone asked me what I would wish for when I blew out my birthday candles. My first thought was HARD NO to candles but my next was, I don’t have a single thing to wish for because I have more than I could have ever dreamed.

Calcium supplements included.

And because I’m feeling this overwhelming gratitude and freedom from both the stupid broken ankle and my ordinary, doesn’t-end-in-a-zero birthday, I decided to make some pretty things.

Just a few fun prints for your Gratitude Season decor. Or give some away to people in your life who need a little happy. New neighbors, your kid’s teacher, your pastor’s assistant, anyone God places on your heart to share some love.

I printed them super professionally at the Walgreen’s half a mile up the road. In less than an hour. They even printed out well at the 8×10 size.

These are our values for Gratitude Season, right?

Give thanks.

Be a blessing.

Live grateful.

This week, the people I love have blessed me. Far more than I could ever deserve.

And more than I need calcium supplements.




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