My son came home from school one day this week over-the-moon excited about his day. It had been a PE day and, well, those are the bestest. He actually played laser tag in PE last week which only made me rethink my entire childhood. Why did I have to learn square dancing while my kid
Gratitude Friday
Gratitude Friday: The List Where I’m Just Too Tired to be Holy…
Listen, I’m not sure if there’s some sort of world record for this kind of thing but I am already completely over the school year. On Day 8. Guinness, call me. There are now two full-time students in my house and that’s two too many. Two folders, two sets of prized coloring we can never
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Gratitude Friday
Gratitude Friday: Holding on for You…
While sitting at the indoor bounce house place this week, listening to a podcast, and enjoying the 90 minutes of time to myself, I got a message from a friend. She’s in the middle of the two-week-wait (TWW) (infertile lingo) and in need of prayers. We chatted back and forth, I added her test to
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Family Building
Dear Daughter, It’s Absolutely Okay to be Okay…
Sweet Girl, Tomorrow, you start 2nd grade and honestly, I am crazy excited for you. Every year seems to be better than the last one. You continue to amaze me with your quiet, calm, steady spirit at school. Your teachers often say they would love to have a whole class of students just like you.
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Gratitude Friday
Gratitude Friday: Go Back the Way You Came…
Last week, I learned a valuable lesson. 40-somethings probably shouldn’t be racing their six-year-old at the trampoline park. Ankles tend to give and tendons get torn and ligaments pop and moms offer Oscar-worthy performances while waiting for husbands to cart them to ERs. Sigh. Unlike my fall while I was running, I opted not to google “death
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Gratitude Friday
Gratitude Friday: Loving Extraordinary Teachers in Ordinary Ways…
My great grandparents worked in the mills in their small southern town. Neither of them made it out of elementary school. GL and Sylvie Faulkner had very little in the way of fancy, nice things. Depression glass and china purchased with grocery store coupons and Coca-cola bottles returned to the store for a penny. They
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Gratitude Friday
Gratitude Friday: How NOT to Pray for Friendship…
One Friday a couple of weeks ago, the kids and I loaded up for an all-day adventure. We had a birthday party for a sweet preschool friend “up north” in the metroplex so I decided to make a full day out of it. First up, the water park. Yep, that’s right. Our season passes are
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Family Building
These Are the Days I Will Miss, But Not Those…
Every now and again, one of those memes or viral posts sentimentalizing the baby years comes floating through my social media newsfeeds. You know the ones…. “You’ll miss those baby years one day, Momma.” “The days are long but the years are short.” “My baby just left for college so let me tell you how
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Gratitude Friday
Gratitude Friday: The Thief of Expectations…
One day this week, we loaded up for the water park after lunch instead of first thing in the morning. We needed to return library books at the school so we just decided to have a slow morning, eat some lunch, and then head out. The dark clouds began rolling in about the time we
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Gratitude Friday
Gratitude Friday: The Ordinary, Miraculous Mundane of Summer…
Not sure if I’ve mentioned this or not (possibly 24 times) but we spend a good many of our summer days at the water park. When I was a kid, the closest water park was in Atlanta requiring a weekend vacation for a visit. They had all the things over in Georgia, a measly two hours