During the summer, Wednesdays are my day off. Now that band camps are over, Dr. Band Geek isn’t teaching but he’s preparing for the upcoming school year. Auditions and meetings and drill writing and emailing. So he goes to school most days of the week. Not every day and not all day but most days
Ministry Building
What I Didn’t Learn from Tripping and Falling…
Yesterday morning, I got up and out the door for my usual run-turned-more-walk-lately (because HOT). It was 5:30 am on the dot as I opened the front door, patting myself on the back for leaving right on time. An arbitrary time set by me that gives me enough time to get in 5 miles or
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Gratitude Friday
Gratitude Friday: The Blessing of Summer (and it’s not what you think)…
We wrapped up our first day at the waterpark this week. Because it was our first day, we stayed longer than usual. However, I applied sunscreen to us all as if we were staying half the time we ended up staying. All the pale people in our house are currently redder than anything else. Hashtag
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Gratitude Friday
Gratitude Friday: In the Delighting, Deliverance…
The past two Sundays, the kids and I have attended my childhood church with my parents. I lovingly refer to it as “Fancy Church.” Though Dad says it’s gotten pretty casual these days. He says, “I don’t wear a suit and tie anymore. Just khakis and my sportscoat.” The music minister apologetically joked about being
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Gratitude Friday
Gratitude Friday: Family Quirks, Traditions, and Oddities…
We cooked a Thanksgiving feast this week. My uncle came in town (he’s a certified Yankee now) (it’s fine, we mostly still claim him) and he specifically requested a Southern home-cooked meal. And since we can’t flour and fry things, turkey and dressing it is! My dad insisted on brining the turkey. That required the
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Choosing to Honor the Perfect Messy Bun Mom on Your Newsfeed…
Well, the cold I woke up with on Mother’s Day turned out to be strep throat. So the amount I was productive and active and not drinking Chick-fil-a milkshakes to soothe my burning throat was rather limited for a full week. Honestly, a diet frosted lemonade shake as medicine works. Well. Remember when our moms
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Gratitude Friday
Gratitude Friday: The Hard Right on I-20…
Last Thursday, we did something we’ve never done as a family. Took a right-hand turn off I-20 in Jackson, Mississippi. And if you are not now hearing Alabama singing, “In Jackson, Mississippi” from Merry Christmas Dixie then we cannot be friends. Once we exited I-20 (which might just be the most beautiful three words in the South),
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Gratitude Friday
Gratitude Friday: Nothing You Can Do About It…
My son appeared in the doorway shaking and crying, “I did something awful.” This was the third time he’d come out of his room in the 42 minutes since I’d tucked him into bed. The first time, he asked if he could have a sleepover with his sister (they take turns sleeping on the floor
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Family Building
How to NOT Ruin a Royal Tea Party in Four Seconds Flat…
My Grandmother read romance novels one after another after another after another. She sat in a chair in her living room, smoking cigarettes, and reading stories about muscular men and…ahem… curvy women. After her first cancer diagnosis, she gave up the cigarettes but no one could pry those books out of her hands. I remember
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Gratitude Friday
Gratitude Friday: The Slow, Unscheduled Magic …
Not sure about y’all but we have exactly three days of school left in this year and then, summer begins. And all the people said AMEN. This might be our biggest summer EVER since we will be visiting Disney for the first time. We’ve been planning this trip for two years. Two years of asking